- This week, our school was buzzing with creativity as we celebrated Poetry and Writing Week! The chil...
- A new football club started this week on Wednesday lunchtime with Mr Phillips. Fully subscribed, it ...
- Last Friday, Year 4 BFG had the pleasure of attending Warminster School who had put on a Sports Morn...
- Last Friday morning Gruffalo Class took part in a Super Hero Sports session delivered by I.G Sports....
- Elmer Class enjoyed a ’Starter Sports’ session with IG Sports this week. They played games called ‘G...
- Our BFG Year 4 children all went down to the Over Sixties Lunch Club in Rode on Monday to join in th...
- Gruffalo and Elmer Class did an amazing job on Thursday evening with their Nativity performance. The...
- Paddington Class had a fantastic trip to Trowbridge Museum, where they participated in four engaging...
- On Tuesday, Year 4 children were fortunate enough to be invited to The Lucky Chance Theatre in Frome...
- On Friday afternoon Paddington, Wildthings and BFG Classes held a Science Fair at Rode to show off t...
- On Tuesday morning, BFG's, LFG's and Wild Things Classes braved the elements with a smile on their f...
- This Wednesday the year 3 children went to Liberty Gym in Frome to take part in an exciting ...
- As part of our science unit on plants the children in year three successfully managed to complete a ...
- Before half term Trowbridge Museum visited Norton. All of the children took part in a variety of act...
- Thank you to the many parents who came along to both the Rode and Norton celebrations last week. The...
- On Wednesday morning the sun was shining, the birds were tweeting, and Paddington Class were getting...
- Wild Things and LFGs thoroughly enjoyed their morning at this year's Multi Sports Festival at Selwoo...
- On Thursday 3rd October it was National Poetry Day and children across both sites immersed themselve...
- Our second International Languages day has been another success. At Rode, the children toured three...
- Mrs Phillips has counted and verified the scores from last Friday's Sports day and the winners a...
- Thank you again for your incredible support at the Merlin Theatre, the amazing costumes and the lo...
- What a fabulous week BFG class had at Mill on the Brue. It was a real privilege to join them for sev...
- On Thursday 16th May, Elmer and Paddington Class joined together for an adventure along the River Fr...
- Wild Things class took a walk up to look at the rapeseed fields as part of their science plants unit...
- On Thursday we carried out a Governors' Learning Walk across the school, tracking children's learnin...
- On Friday 15th March, Elmer Class ventured to Longleat in the hope of seeing some of our favourite a...
- On Monday 11th March, Paddington Class boarded the minibuses and embarked on an adventure of a lifet...
- Assembly Visitors School Council have invited three representatives into ...
- Despite the weather, BFG Class had a wonderful visit to Bristol Zoo on Monday. Luckily, they didn't ...
- Gruffalo and Elmer Class performed their nativity with wonderful singing, dancing and narration. The...
- On Wednesday morning Paddington Class had a fabulous time using the professional equipment at Libert...
- Thank you to all the parents and carers that came along to Norton Harvest on Monday. It didn't rain ...
- Thank you to the many parents who came along to the Rode celebration on Wednesday. We battled on thr...
- Our first Languages Day was a real success thanks to our fabulous team of volunteers and visitors ...
- On Friday 7th July we held a Garden Festival in Rode. The children were fabulous and it was so...
- On Thursday, BFG Class spent the morning at Monkton Combe Junior School partic...
- On Monday a small group of children from year 3 and 4 went on an adventure; our school's first ever ...
- On Tuesday 20th June we held our annual Sports Day. We were so lucky with the weather, with the sun ...
- Paddington class recently enjoyed a trip to Bowood House & Gardens
- The corridor of Rode school was alive with singing on Thursday lunchtime when our two teams arrived ...
- Luckily, the rain cleared just in time on Friday and FRANS were able to go ahead with the party in t...
- The children looked fabulous in their red, white and blue outfits. In class the children have been l...
- This week we welcomed Paralympian Katrina Hart to our schools as part of our Sports for Schools even...
- Huge congratulations to all the children who made or decorated an Easter bonnet. As usual, you knock...
- We feel that we have well and truly welcomed spring at our first ever colour run. The weather even p...
- On Friday 3rd March Elmer and Gruffalo Class visited Haynes Motor Museum. When we arrived, we talked...
- Throughout the day on Friday 3rd February, Mrs Muxworthy had a stream of Gruffalo and Elmer children...
- On January 24th Team Rubicon visited both schools with their skateboards. Pro- skateboarder Alex, wh...
- Here are a few photos depicting some of this week's learning. Gruffalo Class have been exploring spa...
- Martha Peet, dance coach from IG Sports, and Will, came to school on Thursday 12th January to lead a...
- It was good to see so many visitors at Rode Harvest Festival this week where we were blessed with be...
- Is your child starting School in September 23? Come and visit our amazing School Federation!
- What a busy week we had! The children have made a great start to the term already, and have been exc...
- It was so wonderful, if a little warm, to be able to hold Sports day again. Thank you for embracing ...
- Congratulations to our Federation football players who wore the green and purple with pride last wee...
- Our Year 4's have had the time of their lives! The BFG staff have been writing a blog each evening,...
- Year 3 and 4 had a very adventurous morning at Frome Boulder Rooms on Wednesday morning literally cl...
- Linked to 'Being Your True Self', BFG Class have produced a wonderful display in the entrance hall a...
- As part of our Tales and...
- On Tuesday 14th December, following all the relevant COVID rules, our School Federation put on 2 Chr...
- In line with Somerset Public Health Guidance these are the a...
- The builders have been busy all week at Rode and our new outdoor maker sp...
- Rode and Norton St Philip School Federation are pleased to be welcoming b...
- We all had such a great trip to Bath Children's Literature F...
- For our Monday trip we headed off on a walk around the Tellisford loop. We were extremely lucky as t...
- Our BFGs arrived at MOB eager and extremely excited! What a great day they had. They were split into...
- Award winning catering company, founded by ex-professional MasterChef Nick Collins, has won the cont...
- What a wonderful week of words we have had! It has been such a pleasure to see all the children gett...
- A cracking good day today in the Federation! Both school halls were filled with a fabulous display o...
- Our youngest pupils in Gruffalo and Elmer Classes virtually ran into school on March 8th, excited to...
- It was amazing to welcome back all our wonderful BFG and Wildthings home learners dressed in fabulou...
- The amazing children of Rode and Norton St Philip School Federation present their Christmas Films
- Football coaching sessions with ex-professional footballer Martin Philips.
- Learning the intricacies of batting, bowling and fielding
- Children's teamwork, resilience and perseverance was inspirational!
- Children were so inspired they started writing their own books.
- Lent and the tradition of pancakes!
- Solutions to plastic pollution - every invention was unique and inspired!
- Free to be me – exploring identity online
- Everyone showed great sportsmanship!
- Frome Schools Swimming Gala
- Movie star glitz and glamour at the Merlin Theatre
- The children showed real empathy and maturity in dealing with environmental issues
- Investigating Dioramas and fairy tale art.
- Artwork to inspire!
- With Sergeant Rachel Clark for WHY Cancer Counselling.
- We welcomed Rachel Clark to complete her 330th consecutive daily mile
- The children were transformed into wilderness explorers!
- Learning how to be happy, healthy and safe online.
- What life was really like as a Royal Mail Guardsman in the 1800's.
- It was a great day and we are now rock experts!
- Our new school Digital Leaders.
- Paddington class enjoyed a morning of multi sports.
- A fabulous hour foraging around the village!
- Children turn out to be expert cake sellers!
- Why are there so many books about bears?
- Next generation Greta Thunbergs in the making at village schools!
- Small Schools, Thinking Big
- The sun shone and the Carnival came to town!!
- Amazing team spirit!
- An amazing afternoon of sporting achievements.
- Be SMART online!
- We explored grottos, dark tunnels, stepping stones and searched for our lost pirate ship.
- The Little Things Magazine is a FREE magazine for 'people who happen to be parents’
- A fun, interactive learning experience about Pentecost.
- The quality of the exhibitors was outstanding!
- 30 children from across BFG and Wild Things, have proudly represented the Federation in 2 different ...
- All hands hoay and raise the Black Jack!
- Definitely an inspiration to many, especially to all our budding 'wannabe' author/illustrators.
- What a fantastic day ‘Wild Things’ had on Wednesday exploring the SS Great Britain!
- The dust and smoke billowed in to the air from the controlled blast!
- Well done to “The Super Sonic Bridge Makers” for winning the Brunel Bridge Challenge!
- Rhythms good enough to dance to!
- Staying safe around dogs.
- Creativity and Out of the box thinking abounded during our Far, Far, Away Egg Challenge 2019!
- Creativity and Out of the box thinking abounded during our Far, Far, Away Egg Challenge 2019!
- Frome Lions Club Sponsored Swim
- CD of photographs available to purchase.
- The Little Things Magazine is a FREE magazine for 'people who happen to be parents’
- Dance like Everyone’s watching!
- Our beautiful new summerhouse!
- Let's celebrate juicy words!
- Visitors flock to Norton st. Philip from all around the globe!
- Greek slaves, Gods/Goddesses, heroes and mythical beasts celebrated a day in Ancient Greece.
- The children's finished spacecraft are a celebration of creativity.
- Congratulations to our Year 4 Swimming Team
- Their singing was beautiful and brought smiles, laughter and tears to our packed audience.
- A truly delicious experience, a real show stopper of a performance in which everyone was a star bake...
- Children bravely and enthusiastically accepted a challenge to become entrepreneurs for a month.
- Excellent standards in teaching and learning due to single year group classes!
- Fabulous morning at Liberty Gymnastics.
- Very well done Team Rode and Norton!
- Remembrance Day Parade
- We will be taking part in Anti-Bullying Week in collaboration with the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
- The vegtastic characters delighted and inspired the children.
- We met the amazing characters in the book who gave us a brief history of music and hairstyles!
- Budding farmers learn about feeding this special calf.
- BFG class have designed and made giant’s heads out of clay.
- Our tremendous troupe of circus performers!
- Move over Usain Bolt!
- Author, Elen Caldecott opens newly refurbished library.
- BFG and Wild Things castle invasion!
- The children gave it rave reviews!
- Gruffalo Class invited Pre-school to a Royal Wedding tea to taste the wedding cakes they had baked.
- Forty-nine pupils entered the Keep Rode Tidy poster competition
- Gruffalo Class had a fabulous visit to Farleigh Hungerford Castle in the glorious sunshine.
- Elmer Class poem is on display as part of the Bath Festival!
- Story Trail will be launched as part of The Bath Festival
- Congratulations to Lola in Year 4 and the whole of Elmer Class (Year 1).